Please be honest in rating your mentor. This helps them to know what to improve on so that they can be the best mentor they can be! For any of these questions please include more information, i.e. why you marked the value you did.

    First NameLast Name

    Session setting, Sacred space, and Meditation

    1. If held in person, how was the physical space of your session? Clean, quiet, warm, comfortable and inviting?

    0 - poor12345678910 - Excellent

    Please Describe


    2. If held over the phone, how was the connection between you and your mentor? Did lack of physical presence affect the session in your opinion? Why?

    0 - poor12345678910 - Excellent

    Please Share


    3. To begin the session, did your mentor help you feel relaxed? Did they help you connect to a feeling of sacredness?

    0 - poor12345678910 - Excellent

    Please Share


    4. How was being guided in meditation for you?

    0 - poor12345678910 - Excellent

    Please Share


    Sharing and Learning

    5. While sharing your experience, did you feel safe and encouraged to open up?

    0 - poor12345678910 - Excellent

    Please Share


    6. Do you feel your mentor effectively listened?

    0 - poor12345678910 - Excellent

    Please Share


    7. What tools or lesson did your mentor teach you during your session? Please share.


    8. Did your mentor help you to see your experience from a higher awareness or place of non judgement?

    0 - poor12345678910 - Excellent

    Please Share


    9. Do you feel more clarity regarding the concerns you arrived with?

    0 - poor12345678910 - Excellent

    Please Share


    10. Did your mentor assign you homework, or teach you ways to put into practice what you learned? If so, what? Please share.


    Please rate how this feels for you.

    0 - poor12345678910 - Excellent


    Experiential or Healing Work

    11. Did your mentor guide you through an experiential process (i.e. a meditation or process to help you explore deeper, your discussion of the tools or a teaching)? If so, how/what process?


    Please rate how this was for you.

    0 - poor12345678910 - Excellent



    Overall Review

    13. What part of the session did you most enjoy? Why?


    14. What part of the session did you least enjoy? Why?


    15. What area do you feel your mentor excelled in?


    16. Being honest (for constructive criticism!) what area could your mentor use more practice in?


    17. Overall, please rate your session experience.

    0 - poor12345678910 - Excellent

    Why did you give the rating you did?


    18. Are you interested in continuing the work, i.e. exploring the concepts you covered in your session more in-depth?

    0 - No12345678910 - Yes


    19. Are you interested in learning more from your mentor and the Healing from Within program?

    0 - No12345678910 - Yes


    20. Please include any additional feedback for your mentor.